What is plantar fasciosis? Isn't the correct term, plantar fasciitis?

This change in term came about as a result of a study performed by podiatrist, Dr. Harvey Lemont. In the study, Dr. Lemont took biopsies of the tissue of the plantar fascial ligament of patients suffering from severe plantar fasciitis.

The result was not the finding of inflamed tissue, but of necrotic tissue.

The conclusion was plantar fasciitis pain is not the result of an inflammatory process, but a result of a degenerative process characterized by microtears and necrosis of the plantar fascial ligament and intrinsic flexor muscles of the foot at their attachments on the calcaneus. This is why the term plantar fasciosis would be more appropriate.

The condition is characterized by:

  • Sharp heel pain
  • Foot pain
  • Stiffness
  • Tenderness

Usually, the pain is worse in the morning, but eases after the first few steps are taken.

At our office, we will perform a complete exam to determine the cause of your foot pain, make appropriate recommendations on footwear and educate you on how the foot is designed to work, and how most modern footwear interferes with the natural function of the foot.

For more information on how we treat foot problems using a natural approach, please visit our Natural Foot Care page.

For a more in depth look at this condition, please read an article written by Ray McClanahan, DPM: Treatment of Plantar Fasciosis.

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