
Many people wonder how chiropractic, particularly upper cervical chiropractic can be beneficial to them. A couple of years ago I produced a podcast called Testimonial Tuesday with Dr. Drew Hall, a doctor in California. The program consisted of 77 episodes of Dr. Hall and myself telling stories of patients who were helped with all kinds of conditions. You can listen to the show by going to the Upper Cervical Docs website.
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Dr. Paul Hambrick

Sciatic Nerve Pain

“I recently had a leg go bad. I couldn’t walk 50 feet without having to rest. Dr. Hambrick aligned me, did decompression and PEMF therapy. I do not limp anymore. I am completely amazed. I had never been to a chiropractor before. I have a very deep gratitude for Dr. Hambrick and his staff.”

-Marvin Olive

Trigeminal Neuralgia

“I suffer from trigeminal neuralgia. Before I came to Dr.Hambrick I had tried everything. I had countless MRI’s, CT scans, a spinal tap, 4 teeth removed, a list of medications with the worst side effects, multiple trips to the ER, my sinuses flushed out, hot and cold air pushed into my ears, told I needed surgery, told I had a tumor, MS.. The list just goes on and on. I never believed in chiropractic care and I couldn’t figure out how a “back doctor’ could help with the massive pain in my head. That all changed with one visit to Dr.Hambrick. I live a pain free under his care. He changed my life. It still amazes me that the most noninvasive and least expensive treatment ended up changing my life. I would, and do, recommend him for any type of pain management.”

-Amanda Kelly from a Google Review

Knee Pain

“I have a compromised knee which 30 years ago had a complete tear of the ACL. As it was not a fresh tear at the time, an operation to help stabilize the knee resulted in an altered knee with a securing staple. When I started the treatments I was using a cane or crutches and a rollator (to sit in) to function. My knee could not fully extend which resulted also in foot pain. I was aware of every step both in my knee and foot. And I had been this way for quite some time. At this point I am entering the maintenance phase of the program. My knee for the most part is able to fully extend whereas before I could raise it only slightly above half-way. I am able to walk around quite a while before my knee tires. The remaining swelling resolved and pain lessened. My knee isn’t 100%, but I am now to the point where I can start to try and rebuild muscle that was lost from non-use. I now use a cane when I am unavoidably on my knee too long or to slow myself down. That is because I now sometimes find myself not being aware of my knee, taking it for granted. Before this treatment that was impossible. This program is one I had not heard of elsewhere and has been a real blessing. Thank you Dr. Hambrick!”

-Maria Taylor

"My initial knee pain started the morning after I went bowling at a child’s Birthday party. I felt severe aching pain under my left knee cap and above it as well. There was an equal amount of pain on the back of my leg, behind my knee. I had very little mobility in my knee, I could not squat or even take large steps upward without severe pain. My first attempt at relief was to have a massage therapist treat me. There was no problem locating the pain, but after an hour of treatment (and a week waiting on results) the pain was still there. I finally listened to Dr. Hambrick’s advice and began the recommended knee treatment. Dr. Hambrick’s knee treatment was comprised of spinal decompression therapy, PEMF therapy, Laser treatment, and a hands-on knee stretching exercise. After the first three sessions I still had 90% of my original knee pain, but my mobility was almost completely back to normal. Each session after, the pain reduced slightly, until session number 9 when the pain was gone completely. I have had no knee pain since that day, and my mobility is 100%. I would strongly suggest this program to anyone with lower back or knee pain.”

-Matt Johnson

  • "Dr. Hambrick is very professional and good at what he does! With his state-of-the-art equipment and training he is able to help with all kinds of issues, not just chiropractic. I would highly recommend him to anyone needing health services."
    Rachel Harris
  • "I suffer from trigeminal neuralgia. Before I came to Dr.Hambrick I had tried everything. I had countless MRI's, CT scans, a spinal tap, 4 teeth removed, a list of medications with the worst side effects, multiple trips to the ER, my sinuses flushed out, hot and cold air pushed into my ears, told I needed surgery, told I had a tumor, MS.. The list just goes on and on. I never believed in chiropractic care and I couldn't figure out how a "back doctor' could help with the massive pain in my head. That all changed with one visit to Dr.Hambrick. I live a pain free under his care. He changed my life. It still amazes me that the most noninvasive and least expensive treatment ended up changing my life. I would, and do, recommend him for any type of pain management."
    Amanda Kelley
  • "Helpful, friendly staff! Great experience!"
    C Schrock

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